Flower Power: The Healing Properties Of Flowers You Didn’t Know!
As the old saying goes “Nature is a healer in itself”. Since ancient times, nature has acted as a healing element for countless lives on earth with its utterly useful shrubs, herbs, plants and flowers.
Flowers, they say are the most beautiful creations of God. While they mesmerize you with their beauty, freshness, fragrance and vibrant colors they also have been used throughout history for their healing powers. So get ready for some amazing Flower Remedies.
1. Roses
The king of flowers has a special place in medicine. Roses apart from being the epitome of love and passion they are also effective in reducing the risk of heart diseases, cancers and diabetes. Yes, you read that right! Roses are said to be a rich source of vitamins that have powerful healing energy to keep your heart healthy and blockage-free. Probably, this is the reason why it is associated with love and matters of the heart!
2. Daisies
This flower holds a wealth of medicinal properties despite its unassuming appearance. Do you often feel stressed out? Don’t worry, get some colorful Daisies and they’ll make your day. These bright and cheerful flowers will put you in a good mood by emitting positive energy and relieving you of stress. They also release oxygen at night, which helps you breathe easy while you snooze.
3. Lily Of The Valley
Lily of the valley is known as a cardiac tonic. It helps to treat high blood pressure, breathing difficulties or rapid heartbeat. Lilacs can be steeped to make a tonic that reduces fever and to get rid of internal parasites. Skin burns or wounds are soothed and heal well when a paste or gel made from lilacs is applied.
4. Jasmine
Sweet, exotic jasmine flowers do not only make delicious cup of tea, but they also aid in digestive issues and stomach ulcers. Sipping this brew before bedtime can help to ward off insomnia and anxiety.
5. Lavender
Many people appreciate lavender for its fragrance. Lavender essential oil may be beneficial in a variety of conditions, including insomnia, hair loss, anxiety, stress and postoperative pain. Lavender is yet another flower that can bring positivity into your life, boost your confidence and make you feel happy, healthy and gentle. A number of studies have reported that Lavender can heal burns and wounds as well as ease chest and throat conditions.
Amazing isn’t it? For what Flowers can do! So send flowers today to someone you love and make their day Bright, Positive and Powerful.