The ultimate expression of sinful desire to surprise your loved one, reflected through this bouquet of a dozen red and pink roses, accompanied with a cuddly plush bear, a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates and a 5 inch heart balloon.(Substitution of Ferrero Rocher chocolates may occur in case of unavailability)
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DATE: SEP 09,2024
simple but very eye catching.
DATE: SEP 06,2024
Super product and good quality..
DATE: FEB 05,2015
Outstanding Quality and Service
It's always a pleasure to order from you. I always feel satisfied and confident each time I have ordered from you. The Love of my life always makes me happy when she tells me she has received the most beautiful roses. Great Job Guys!
DATE: JAN 09,2015
I have always received the best service and beautiful roses from here. I am a very satisfied customer.
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