Big Hug - Mixed Flowers Bouquet
Big Hug - Mixed Flowers Bouquet

When you cant be there for a special occasion to give a big hug, then this bouquet in cerise and pink colours is the perfect substitute. Local florists choose the most beautiful flowers of the season, such as standard roses and freesia and hand-craft this bouquet for you.


The Netherlands Collection The world's most sought after luxury floral ensembles are now available in a vase near you at surprisingly affordable prices and with an extended array of Gifts! Featuring international brands, sleek designs, clean cuts, and elegant accessories - our chic international ensembles have been thoughtfully crafted to suit urban sensibilities. Gift in style and choose from our vast collection of Flowers, Hampers, Soft Toys, Perfumes etc.

Valentine's Day Flower Delivery in Netherlands Sending a lovely flower as part of your Valentine's Day greetings is arguably the most romantic action you can take. Send Valentine's Day flowers to your beloved to let them know how much they mean to you! On February 14, the international day of love, flowers are the ideal present because they have their own unique power of expression. With Flora2000 Valentine's Day flower delivery service, you can easily and whenever you want have your favourite bouquet sent to the address of your choice with only a mouse click. Allow our selection of romantic roses, gift sets, and Valentine's Day bouquets in a variety of colours, which include orchids, lilies, tulips, or buttercups, to inspire you.

Why Choose Flora2000 for sending Valentine's Day Flower Delivery in Netherlands
Well, there are several reasons for choosing us to be your Valentine's Day flower and gift delivery partner. Some of the major reasons are

Never-ending Options
Flora2000 is the perfect stop for buying flowers as it houses an awesome collection of colourful blooms to choose from. From roses to lilies, carnations to orchids- you can order from a variety of flower types and even avail of same-day delivery on some. The selection is praise-worthy!

Order in the Comfort of Your House
Visiting a florist could be time-consuming and tiring. With Flora2000 online delivery services, you can get delivery of flowers anywhere in the world. Rest, you can be sure of getting quality products.

Dependable & Trustworthy
Not only do you get a wide, popular line of quality flowers to choose from but also the perk of them being delivered on time and in healthy condition.


Can I send my Valentine's Day flowers anonymously?
Yes, with Flora2000 you can send your Valentine's blooms anonymously to your crush. If you want to remain anonymous on the 14th of February, just do not sign the message card with your name.

I cannot find the desired bouquet. Can I make changes to an existing bouquet on your website?
Yes, you are welcome to select a bouquet from our selection and include any special instructions for the florist in the 'Instructions to florist' area. However, we would advise you to select one of our florist-designed bouquets as they are readily available in your selected cities.

Why do we gift flowers on Valentine's Day?
Flowers started to be a component of Valentine's Day customs in the 17th century. Roses were specifically picked since they are a universal symbol of love. It seems that Venus, the Goddess of Love, loved roses because she thought they symbolised passionate emotions. For this reason, we gift flowers on Valentine's Day.

Does Flora2000 deliver flowers to Netherlands?
Yes, you can send flowers from India to Netherlands by placing an order from Flora2000. For same-day delivery, you may have to place your order before 12 noon, else, you may have to wait for the delivery the next day.

Are there any other flowers other than roses for Valentine's Day?
Yes, we have a wide range of flowers for Valentine's Day. We have Tulips to show love and affection, Orchids to show admiration for the beauty, passion and longing for desire, Red Carnations to symbolize a heart on fire, passion and falling in love deeply, White Carnations to showcase loyalty and long-term love and Lilies as an ode to femininity, elegance and sensuality.

What flower company delivers Valentine's Day Flowers in Netherlands?
Flora2000 offers same-day flower delivery across 190+ countries, including the Netherlands. Featuring over 400 beautiful bouquets and floral arrangements.

Do you send chocolates with flowers for Valentine's Day?
Yes, Flora2000 is known for offering its customers the most beautiful flowers with the most delicious handmade chocolates on all special occasions, including Valentine's Day.

Do you send Valentine's flowers and gift hampers to the Netherlands?
Yes, Valentine's Day flowers and cake can be delivered via Flora2000 in the Netherlands.
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